Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Task 7 + 9 - Role Allocation + Casting: "Snap, Snap, Bang" Casting and Role Allocation

In my A2 Media project there will be a total of 3 main characters and 1 side character. The main character list will consist of:

Contestant 1 - The debt riddled businessman. This role will be played by a friend called Alex Preece. I feel as though he would fit this role generally well because he has a sort of business look about him when he is wearing a suit and tie. The characterisation for this role will all be in the MES (clothing and body positioning primarily), as the character himself as bet money on himself that he will get through the game unharmed, which will result in him winning the bet.

Contestant 2 - The Thrill Seeker. The role will be played by myself, based purely on the fact that this character plays the informative part in the narrative, which in a sense will be explaining how the logistics of the "Game" works and other things within the movie.

Contestant 3 - The First Timer. This role will be played by my other friend Sam Hollis. I decided to cut the character of Contestant 2 and shift all the others along because I felt as though this character didn't add enough to the narrative to be a part of it, which was initially going to be Sam's role in the product.

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