Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Task 2 - Research Into Existing Products: "Snap, Snap, Bang" - Card Props

In order to make the short believable, I felt as though I needed to actually make the game which the characters would be playing in the short. These are just a few examples of the cards that would be on the different tables throughout the different rooms in "The Club", some cards of which are better than others - 'Next Contestant' for instance would pass on the turn to someone else, taking the tension away from the Contestant who was previously playing. Others for instance are worse than others and will either permanently put a Contestant out of the game or put them in a position where it would be wise for them to quit.

I tried to keep the look of the cards simple and yet somewhat professional, as though somewhere within this universe in the short, there is a street gang who makes the cards, who are then employed by the managers of "The Club", and ship crates of the cards in weekly to use for the various different groups of people who are willing to play.

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