Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Task 7 - Role Allocation: "Snap, Snap, Bang" - Costume List

Costume for Contestant 1 - 
Keeping with Contestant 1's motives for being at "The Club", the actor will be wearing a black suit and tie, with vest. Easily conveying through MES that this character has money, is of the upper class, but has made it there through some illegitimate methods and it's because of these methods that Contestant 1 is in great debt.

Costume for Contestant 2 - 
I figured that if Contestant 2 is there just for the thrill of potentially dying or being shot at etc., then he wouldn't get all dressed up, or look smart because he may potentially be dead. So I kept his attire simple just with a T-Shirt and jeans.

Costume for Contestant 3 -
As stated before in earlier blog posts, I wanted the characterisation of Contestant 3 to appear familiar and have some awareness of normality to it, so that the target audience could project themselves onto this character and make the entire narrative consume them. The simple hoodie, shirt and jeans is a combination of what I feel my target audience wears.

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