Monday, 21 September 2015

Task 5 - Script: "Snap, Snap, Bang" - Screenplay Draft 2

Since the fist draft, more detail was given to the character's clothing and the description of where the games in this movie take place. All very cheaply rented rooms inside an unknown basement complex. I decided to stick with the initial narrative story as I had started to develop a few ideas that I thought would work well visually, narrativly and logistically when it was time to begin initial filming. I developed a new character, Contestant 4, who would be used as the character viewers would project themselves onto so they could feel as though they have some emotional stake in the game as it unfolds before them. I feel as though this is important to have in movies to get the movie going faster, instead of having characters that are very diverse and so unique that the audience can't possibly relate themselves to. 

Basic variations with the shot types and angles were added to add some technical diversity to the overused "over the shoulder" shots which I have used a lot. One of these camera shots is the 'camera spirals around', which would be a part of various continuous take within this project. Ever since beginning Media Studies I thought it was interesting in creating a continuous shot in a small media project, but I feel as though if I took the time to create a good and interesting shot within my A2 project then that would look very appealing to the examiner, due to it's technical difficulty. 

The first initial ending to the short is developed also, however I did realise in the next draft that this would be a very short product, barely making it to 2-3 minutes, and so I planned an extra 4-5 minutes after this point in the latest draft of the script. 

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